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Throughout life, everyone experiences periods of stress, struggle navigating while adjusting to changes, grief & sadness, breakups, job pressure, family and parental stress. Individuals and families that participate in therapy are often able to increase understanding and effective communication while minimizing tension and helping to facilitate treatment goals with a solution focused approach.  


Why is Mental Health important?

  • An estimated 1 in 5 adults in the US experience mental health illness(s) (per year).

  • 13% of children experience a severe mental disorder.

  • 1 in 5 youth (13-18yo) experience a severe mental disorder.

  • For adults 18-44, mood disorders are the third most common cause for hospitalization.

  • 1/3 students in special education drop-out of school.

  • 1 in 20 Americans aged 12 and older report experiencing current levels of depression.


  • 2nd leading cause of death in teens and young adults aged 15-24.

  • 3rd leading cause of death in adolescents 10-14.

    • 90% of children who die by suicide had a mental health condition.

  • 10th leading cause of death in the US


Statistic References:




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